ProFiller 3600 Full System
ProFiller 3600 is the only Inox (316 stainless steel) hand-held 300-hole filler that is dishwasher safe & can be used under a powder hood or in a glove box. The Change Parts and Orienter can also be used with the ProFiller 3700 bench-top filler for maximum flexibility. Included Parts: Hand-Held Filler Base, Orienter Base, Locking Plate, 60-Pin Tamper, Powder Spreader, Powder Tray, Powder Tray Clamps, Plastic Storage Box, Capsule Bins, Measuring Bowls and Change Parts (Caps Tray, Body Sheet Set (A, B, C), Spacer Plate, Capsule Locker, Orienter Tray)